Rabu, 24 Juni 2015

For Beginners

What is Forex? Who are the main participants?Forex (foreign exchange market or currency market) - is the latest market and the development of currency exchange, the daily turnover exceeded all financial markets of the world (according to the Bank for International Settlements, the daily turnover reached a level of 4 billion USD in the year ...Read moreBasics of Forex MarketThe concept of trading in the Forex market is based on the process of buying one currency with another currency and vice versa operations by selling, for profit. You can perform these transactions on almost every currency in the world. Let us analyze some examples. Let us analyze some examples. Example 1: You have 1 600 USD and GBPUSD exchange rate is 1.6000, which means that you can buy 1 000 GBP to 1 600 USD. You buy ...Read moreHow to StartIt's easy to start trading FOREX, complications arise when you want to profit in trading. Many people mistakenly assume FOREX same as gambling, where everything depends on luck. But this is not true. In order to obtain a stable profit, the necessary knowledge teory. This knowledge should be followed by practice. In order to test your trading skills, without having trading experience and not risking your own funds, you have the opportunity to ...Read moreTrading PlatformTo begin the process of trading, a necessary condition is the existence of a trading platform. Trading platforms (trading terminal) is a set of software and hardware, which is adapted for online trading, which provide interaction between broker and trader. There are many different trading platforms today, but the most popular is MetaTrader 4. In other words, the trading platform is a software, which is installed on a trader's computer and is used for online trading. Some platforms work through ...Read moreType ChartsTo display information about the supply of foreign exchange market, there are several ways graph building. Charts used by traders to conduct technical analysis and make market decisions. They are built in two coordinates: the price and / or tick Volume (shown on the vertical axis) and period (horizontal). Some types of data used to chart the building (except the tick):Read moreAnalysis on the Forex MarketTo interpret the market situation properly and find out some of the actions and the events that caused it, you need to learn to "read", classifying and analyzing information received from external sources. To predict currency fluctuations in the future, you have to learn two types of analysis: technical and fundamental. Let's find out what are the characteristics of each of the analysis.Read moreSWAPForex market transactions conducted with the proviso place. This means that all deals were made with the actual delivery of currency on the next working day after the execution. However, there is no need for the delivery of real currency in the case of speculative trading (speculative trading is actually that will get you started). If you execute the order during a working day, canceled shipments. It does not cause problems. But what if you have to leave ...Read moreCentral BankThe central bank is a bank that provides financial services to government and commercial banks country. The main function of the central bank are:Read morePsychology of TradingPsychological preparation is very important when you want to achieve good stable results. Beginners, who have just started the process of trading, Forex is quite often regarded as something that is easy to learn, but this is not true. After getting a small amount in the beginning, he lost his head and, as a result, could lose everything. During the first days of trading, you can start writing down all the actions you make.Read moreTrading ProcessMeasures the most important of trading is open orders and order closes improve trading results.The Opening OrderIt is possible to trade on the MetaTrader 4 platform using a market or a pending order. Market orders are ...Read morePrinciple TradingAll traders, who joined Forex, trying to achieve the best results. However, to trade with gains, traders should know and follow some principles of Forex.1. Have your own trading strategy. Develop your system, which is based on several factors significant for Forex trading.2. Control your emotions. Emotionally unstable conditions can interfere with the decision-making process. Learn how to control your emotions ...Read more

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